Future Mister Promo Shoot 

The original concept Brought forward by Trevor was "Dreamy, yet Chaotic", and not much else. I personally felt this was perfect, despite how open ended something like this could be. 

Instagram Post: ​​​​​​​ 

Easter eggs

    As an ode to Future Misters and their fans, I was eager to put Easter eggs into the background of this image and other images from this shoot. From putting in elements of past single artwork, and show flyers, to compositing, re-touching and putting the members into an arcade game. 

I did this with various blending techniques, some were more difficult than others. The most difficult was the arcade screen. I used a custom CRT TV pattern, and overlaid it on the screen, and blended it so you could see the texture, and the classic Red,Green, Blue lights that make up the real CRT screen TV's. I then made a selection of the screen and made an inner glow that resembled Blue, Mostly Because I felt that color complimented the color grade of the over all image better. I then had to composite the different elements of the 8-bit characters together and overlay the same pattern on those so that they would appear to be underneath or behind the screen, not on top. Finally I put the 8-bit patter behind the characters and changed the perspective on everything to make it look like they were behind the screen at an angle. 


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