Play Station 5 Controller 
Environment, Texturing & Lighting 
I am a huge fan of my PlayStation 5, and have always had a playstation since 2010. 

I thought it was time to do a personal project of something for Playstation.

All aspects of these renders were created by me other than the model of the PS5 Controller. I handled All aspects of the environment, lighting and texturing & UV Mapping. 

I was able to find a model of the controller online, then from there I textured it in Cinema 4d, and refined the UV Mapping since there was some overlapping and stretched texturing happening. 

All textures on the controller are from Greyscale Gorillas Plus membership asset library, including the HDRI's I used.  

Creating the Environment was the most fun part of this, other than lighting. 


I created a sphere, and decided to add elements of nature to the environment to give the impression of the different environments you can explore in Play stations many open world games. 

I used Quixel Bridge for the textures, and Vegetation. 

I used Redshifts Matrix Scatter to clone the vegetation, and a shader and random effector to break it up and look more natural. 

I was very particular here, I took a little extra time to get the kind of edge lighting that I wanted to really show of the product. I chose to go with a blue background to match the Blue light on the controller and some of the other branding of Playstation. 

I choose backlighting as a personal preference, since this is how I usually photograph most physical products in my studio to begin with. 

Lastly, to contrast the blue, I choose to put a warm edge light on the right. I felt it added the right amount of variety to the scene, and enough contrast to differentiate the features I wanted it too. 

Let me know what you think! 

thanks for check out my work. 


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